How To Get Writing Jobs For Ideas Blogs And Magazines
Robert Sullivan is a self-published author, blogger, social media manager, and more.
![There's a difference between a good job and a great job—and it can change your life!](
There's a difference between a good job and a great job—and it can change your life!
You may know how to get a job, but if you are wondering how to get a good job, then you've come to the right place. All too many people in these times think the only thing you can do to get a job is submit your resume, coast through an interview, and wahlah, you get the job. But the real world is a lot tougher than that. It can be hard enough to get a job at all, let alone a good one. So here's some tips to get you through the hiring process.
To start, here's a video that you need to watch before you go to another interview, because you need to learn how to answer the question "Tell me about yourself?"
How to Get a Good Job
Now that you've got that down let's move on to something more substantial.
1. Think about who you would hire
The first step when figuring out how to get a good job is to put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Who would you hire if you were the boss? The funny part about this is the people you would expect to get the job may not fit the bill. Take someone who has an Ivy League education and put them up against someone who does not have a degree, but has tons of proven experience and a humble attitude, and I have to say I think I'd pick the latter 9 times out of 10. Remember, people hire people, not paper. When a manager is hiring someone to do a job they have two primary concerns. "Will this person do the job right?" and "Do I actually want to be around this person?" If you have the right attitude you can even outpace people with a proven track record of success. That being said-
2. Be friendly
If you really want to know how to get a good job, then remember that a friendly person is the kind of person that everyone wants to be around. Some managers might hire you because you are the only candidate they can tolerate. It may sound all too simple, but this is one of the biggest factors in determining whether or not someone wants to hire you. Even if they can't justify hiring you for the position you are applying for, they may make an opening somewhere else just to get you in the door.
Tell me, which one of these two men would you hire?
Chances are it's the one who is smiling. And that's just the way it is. People want to hire people who are happy (or at least look that way).
3. Make first contact
Being the first person to reach out is not just submitting a résumé, anyone and everyone does that. No, if you want to know how to get a good job, then you need to take things a step further. Call them and see if you can talk to the person who is in charge of hiring. Take this time to ask a few questions, and establish a good rapport. Hiring managers are way more likely to give you an interview if they already think that they like you, and if you are crafty, you can get more info on the company to see what they are looking for in a candidate. If you're really ambitious then you can take this a step further and actually walk through their front door. This shows off the fact that you are a real go getter, and a lot of times you can actually talk to people in powerful positions just by stopping by and having a chat.
Read More From Toughnickel
4. Dress the part
Yeah you know to put on a suit and look nice, but hold up, because that isn't always going to get you the job. Nowadays there are a lot of companies that don't keep to the traditional office dress-code. In fact, I once had an interview for a great job that after having talked to the CEO he assured me that I should not be wearing a suit. Let's just put it this way, if the hiring manager is going to be wearing a suit, then by all means wear a suit but if the CEO is wearing a Punisher shirt and cargo shorts then you better be Captain America! (Gosh I loved my old boss)
The point is this, find out what is expected of you before you go in, then make sure you are dressed correctly. No matter what you still want to dress sharp, but don't assume that you need to be dressed a certain way without making sure. Of course if there is no way to figure it out before hand, then you are going to want to err on the side of professionalism.
5. Find out what the company is all about
Before you even contact a company you need to do your homework, and that means scouring their website for every piece of information that you can get your hands on. Do they have a motto? Good, work that into your pitch. Essentially, you want to find out just what kind of employee they are looking for before they ever even know you exist. That way you can make the best possible first impression, and that is how to get a good job.
6. Come prepared
Alright so you are in the interview, now what? You want to make sure that you are prepared. What does that mean?
A good candidate | A bad candidate |
Has relevant questions | Has questions only related to himself |
Knows what the company does | Isn't sure how the company works |
Knows who their competitors are | Has no idea who the competition is |
Talks about company history | Doesn't know anything about the company |
Asks if they are looking at new markets | Show no interest in helping the company expand |
There are so many things that you can talk about, and chances are the person who is hiring you is going to want your opinion on every single little thing. Not just because they want to make sure you are a great fit, but also because they are looking to build the brand as well.
Having these types of questions shows that you are interested in the work, and anyone who is hiring wants an employee that is going to enjoy the job.
![I've got something for you future boss.](
I've got something for you future boss.
7. Give them something before they ask
This is the biggest tip that I can possibly give on the subject of how to get a good job. Giving them something, and no I'm not talking about a fruit basket. You need to do some of the work for your job before you even walk through that door, and be ready to hand it over to them right off the bat. You want it to be exactly relevant to what you are going to be doing. I did this when I was applying for a job, and it worked wonders.
I was applying for a position as a social media manager. So what I did was went to their website, and looked at all the things that could be done to improve it. There were a bunch of little things that they hadn't thought of, stuff like putting share buttons on every page of the site, linking all of their accounts together, and outing some dead links on their page. By the time the interview was completed they couldn't wait to have me get right to work optimizing their entire presence online, and honestly I had weeks worth of work just because of my suggestions. It went great.
In the end, the answer to "How to get a good job?" is way more about how you present yourself than it is about your work history or education (unless you're trying to become a doctor). If you keep these tips in mind you are sure to have a much easier time on the job hunt, and they'll definitely help you land the job of your dreams.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
How To Get Writing Jobs For Ideas Blogs And Magazines
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